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Step 1 : Applicants are asked to go through the Instructions to the Candidate and Detailed Advertisement first, then Pay Non-Refundable Application fees through

Please Click here for SBCollect User Manual.

Step 2 : Get the print out of the e-Receipt of fees paid at SBCollect and fill up the Application form.

Guidelines for filling up Application Form

  1. Fields marked with * are mandatory.
  2. Use only A to Z characters while entering Name.
  3. Use only A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9 alphanumerics, comma (,), dash (-), slash (/) while entering information in the Address field. Do not use any other special characters.
  4. Please make sure that you have Valid Email Address, if you do not have an email address create new one.
  5. Do not prefix 0 (Zero) to Mobile Number.
  6. Prefix STD Code while entering Res. Phone Number e.g. 024012345678
  7. Select the appropriate Category and enter Caste in the text box.
  8. Make sure that Aadhaar no. is correct.
  9. Use only A to Z, a to z for entering information of Stream, Board/University, use only Digits for entering information of Marks Obtained, Out of Marks.
  10. Use only A to Z, a to z, for entering Name & Occupation and only A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9 alphanumerics, comma (,), dash (-), slash (/) for Address while entering information of respectable person.
  11. Ensure file size of less than or equal to 40 KB and file type of jpg / jpeg for uploading Photo and Signature.
  12. Do not enter dash (-) for the fields which are not applicable or blank.
  13. Before submission of online application, candidate may take printout of specimen filled in application. Check the printed application.
  14. The differently-abled candidates may note the para 1 of the online advertisement available on the website.
  15. Contact only for Application Related Query during working office hours i.e. 10 AM to 5 PM
    Telephone No. : 0712-2562279
  16. Contact only for Technical Query during working office hours i.e. 10 AM to 5 PM
    Telephone No. : 022-22676751