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Step 1 : Applicants are asked to go through the Instructions to the Candidate and Detailed Advertisement first, then Pay Non-Refundable Application fees through
Step 2 : Get the print out of the e-Receipt of fees paid at SBCollect and fill up the online Application form by mentioning SBCollect Reference Number in Column No. 38.

1. Date of Advertisement 05/09/2024
2.*For The Post Of 3. *Examination Centre
4. *Name
*First Middle *Last
5. Whether you have change in Name?
5a. Change in Name
(Previous Name)

5b. Notification
6. *Postal address 7. *District of Postal Address

8. *Pin Code
9. *Mobile No.
Resi. Phone

prefix STD code.
10. *Email-ID @
11. *Date of Birth Age on the date of publication of the advertisement
12. *Place of Birth (Village / City)
13. *Gender
14. *Are you a Citizen of India? 15. *Nationality
16. *Category and Caste 17. PAN Number
18. *Name of Father
19. *Nationality of father
20. *Name of Mother
21. *Nationality of mother
22. *Mother Tongue
23. *Marital Status?
24. *No.of living children Please submit declaration as to Small Family as appended to the Advertisement(Form-A)
25.*Details of Educational Qualification
*Course/Degree Stream Stream
(Applicable for Other)
*University *Year of
*Marks Obtained *Out of
total marks
Percentage Class/Grade No. of
26. *State whether you were enrolled as an advocate and on what date and enrollment no.

27. *Whether you have passed All India Bar Examination
(For candidate, who has obtained law degree in the academic year 2009-2010 and onwards)

(Please submit copy of Certificate of Practice alongwith printout of Application Form)
28. *
29. State particulars of your practice as an Advocate etc. giving the period (from - to) and total duration of the practice. Please submit Format No.III alongwith printout of Application Form.
(Note:Please see Clause No.19 of the Advertisement.)
30. Are you in an employment, If yes, provide details thereof alongwith permission / consent of the head of that Department / Company / Firm / Organisation / etc. to practice as an Advocate simultaneously with its employment.
31. Have you held the post in a Judicial/Government/Staturoty/Local Authority Service?
32. *State the amount of your professional earnings during the immediately preceding three years (Financial Year income i.e. : 2021-2022 - Rs. 50000/- , 2022-2023 - Rs. 65000/- , 2023-2024 - Rs. 75000/-)
33. Give the names of the Courts in which and the Judges before whom you have practised during the period of three years immediately preceding the date of the publication of the Advertisement Please submit Format No.II alongwith printout of Application Form.
(Note:Please see Clause No.19 of the Advertisement.)
34. Was any court case filed against you or have you ever been arrested/detained/prosecuted/bound down/convicted/acquitted/facing any criminal prosecution by/in a Court of Law for any offence? If yes, give details.
35. *Whether you are facing/have you ever faced any disciplinary action from the Bar Council of India or Bar Council of Maharashtra and Goa or any Bar Association or any other professional body? If yes, give details.
36. *Are you permanently debarred/disqualified by the High Court/UPSC/Any State Public Service Commission from appearing for examination or selections conducted for the purpose of recruitment.
37. *Give the names, postal addresses and occupations of two referees, who should be responsible persons, unconnected with your school, University and not related to you testifying your character. Such certificate must have been issued on or after the date of publication of Advertisement as per Format No. I.
Name Name
Occupation Occupation
38. *Fee Details
Payment Gateway
Payment Type
SBCollect Reference No.
Payment Date
Amount (Rs.)
39. *Photo
(Attach 'JPEG/JPG' File)
40. *Signature
(Attach 'JPEG/JPG' File)
41. *Security Code:
(Case Sensitive)
Enter above mentioned Security Code

1) I am able to speak, read, write and translate Marathi with facility from the written character into English and vice-versa.

2) I have no child born on or after 28.04.2006 leading to my disqualification as per Clause No. 5(f) of the Advertisement.

3) I have not been compulsorily retired, removed or dismissed from judicial service or from service in Government or Statutory or Local Authority or failed to complete probation period in Judicial Service on any post or in Government or Statutory or Local Authority.

4) I have not been convicted of an offence involving moral turpitude.

5) I have never been permanently debarred or disqualified by the High Court or the Union Public Service Commission or any State Public Service Commission or Government Department/Body or District Court from appearing for any examination or selection conducted for the purpose of                  recruitment.

6) I, the applicant do hereby affirm that all the details filled in the application are true and correct as per my knowledge . If any information is found to be false/incorrect, I will be liable to be disqualified from the process of selection and if selected/appointed my service would be liable to                  be terminated without any notice.